TRACK ASSIGNMENTS FOR GRADE 8 KING STUDENTS AT MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL 2008-2009 School Year Grade 9 Track Assignments for Current King Grade 8 Students Planning to Attend Marshall High School following Culmination
THE STOCK MARKET GAME The Stock Market game can be implemented in many subject areas to develop standards-aligned skills and concepts.
SPECIAL KABC 7 TELEVISION SPECIAL TO AIR "Warning Signs" to air on Sunday, January 20 at 12 pm on KABC Channel 7
MANY THANKS TO OUR BUSINESS & INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS Thomas Starr King Middle School thanks the following businesses and individuals for their support of the school instructional program through their contributions:
DECEMBER EDITION OF THE KING TRIBUNE NOW AVAILABLE. Click here! Publication written and developed by Mr. Cabezas' Journalism Class
PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE DECEMBER 2007 Ms Kaiser's monthly message to the Thomas Starr King Middle School Community
DECEMBER 2007 PARENT NEWSLETTER IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD. Read the latest edition of the Thomas Starr King Middle School Parent Newsletter by downloading the pages to your computer
CREATE A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AT HOME FOR YOUR MIDDLE SCHOOLER Creating a learning-friendly home environment helps students during school years.
KNOW WHAT TYPES OF INVOLVEMENT BENEFIT YOUR CHILD, THE SCHOOL Help your student in school by doing things at home.
CREATE A STUDY PLAN THAT WORKS FOR YOUR CHILD Things to include in a student study plan that leads to success.
SUGGEST DIFFERENT WAYS TO IMPROVE COMPREHENSION Here’s how to help your child read better in middle school.
FIFTH ANNUAL TS KING MIDDLE SCHOOL TURKEY TROT A SUCCESS! PE Students Complete the One Mile Run at Annual Event.
TS KING MIDDLE SCHOOL FIFTH ANNUAL TURKEY TROT RUN SLATED FOR NOVEMBER 21 Physical Education Department Is Holding This Special Activity As Part Of The Physical Fitness Program.
NOVEMBER 2007 PARENT NEWSLETTER IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD. Read the latest edition of the TS King Middle School Parent Newsletter by downloading the pages to your computer