MARCH 2007 PARENT NEWSLETTER IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD. Read the latest edition of the Parent Newsletter by downloading the pages to your computer!
HELP YOUR MIDDLE SCHOOLER CREATE THE BEST POSSIBLE BRAIN Take advantage of the brain's growth period during the middle school years.
REINFORCE YOUR CHILD'S LEARNING AT HOME EVERY DAY IN SIMPLE WAYS Student learning from school can be applied at home and everywhere.
STATE OF CALIFORNIA GRANT PROGRAM - REQUEST FOR APPLICATION (RFA) State of California is seeking applications for establishment of Cesar E. Chavez Afterschool Service Clubs in Title 1 Middle Schools
LIVE HOMEWORK HELP AVAILABLE ONLINE FROM THE COUNTY LIBRARY County of Los Angeles Public Library Card Is Key To Homework Help
PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE February 2007 Principal Hirotsu Monthly Message to the TS King Middle School Community
FEBRUARY 2007 PARENT NEWSLETTER IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD. Read the latest edition of the Parent Newsletter by downloading the pages to your computer!
DRAW THE KING LION MASCOT CONTEST Contest winning entry will the cover art for the 2007-08 School Agenda Planner and receive $25 gift card.
HELP YOUR CHILD SET OR RENEW GOALS IN THE SECOND SEMESTER Take an active role with your student's goal-setting for the second semester.
BOOST YOUR MONITORING SKILLS TO BUILD YOUR CHILD'S RESPONSIBILITY YOU are the biggest influence in your pre-teen's life
SPUR TALKS ABOUT SCHOOL WITH YOUR MIDDLE SCHOOLER Demonstrate your interest in your student's school by doing your homework.
JANUARY 2007 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Principal Hirotsu's Monthly Message to the TS King Middle School Community
JANUARY 2007 PARENT NEWSLETTER IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD. Read the latest edition of the Parent Newsletter by downloading the pages to your computer!