LAUSD Consolidated Charitable Campaign This is to inform you that we are ready to launch our Annual LAUSD Consolidated Charitable Campaign. This is the District’s only charitable drive and it continues to give our students, parents, faculty and staff with several selections for our charitable donations. See inside for details!
King Idol 2013 Winners/Performances PICTURES/VIDEO CLIPS OF THE PERFORMANCES ARE FINALLY HERE! Congratulations to all the performers and winners of the annual King Idol Contest!
Teacher's Name That Song Contest Teachers competed in the popular Name That Song Contest. See pics inside!
Red Ribbon Day Leadership promoted a "Drug Free That's For Me" campaign to celebrate Red Ribbon Week!
Assemblyman Gatto Presents $5,000 Check to Ms. Concebida and Thomas Starr King Middle School Please see inside for the full press release.
Spring Formal 2013 - 8th Grade Masquerade Ball Special thanks goes out to Mr. Ruben Hernandez and Ms. Marylou Mejia for working so hard to make this event such a tremendous success and most definitely a memorable one for those who attended! See pictures inside!
Teacher Appreciation Day Luncheon The faculty and staff would like to thank the Leadership students and their parents for sponsoring this luncheon. It was an awesome memorable event! See the pictures inside.
Teacher Appreciation Week This week, May 6 - May 10, is the Teacher Appreciation Week so let's show all of our teachers how much we care and appreciate them! Show your gratitude by giving them a card and/or a personal greeting!
King Got Talent Winners/Performances VIDEO CLIPS OF ALL THE PERFORMANCES ARE FINALLY HERE! Congratulations to all the performers and winners of the annual King Got Talent Contest! See inside for special thanks and winners!
Bullying and Suicide Prevention Workshop Monday April 15th 8:30 - 10:am Parent Center Room 101 - Free Workshop hosted by Ms. Mejia.
Ms. Chomori and Peer Mediation News! The peer mediation group participated in an Invitational at the Western Justice Center.
Spring Book Fair! Spring Book Fair begins Monday, April 8th and ends Friday, April 12th. Parents can drop by the Book Fair during Open House on Thursday, April 11th from 4:30-6:30.
Zoopalooza and Rube Goldberg During Open House Parents can visit the student cafeteria to see the 7th Grade Gifted Magnet "Zoopalooza" projects and see the 8th Grade Gifted Magnet "Rube Goldberg" projects on the 2nd Floor of the Main Building.
Minimum Day - April 12th April 12th is a minimum day. Students leave at 12:30PM. Students riding the buses will be dropped off at their regular time. The buses will leave the school at their regular time, 3:09PM. If parents want to pick up their children earlier, notify their bus driver and do so by 12:30PM.
Career Day at King! Career Day is May 23rd. If parents want to participate or they know someone who wants to participate, please have them call Valorie Milio at 323-644-6700.