'Best Overall Middle School' Digital Voice Award Winner

Milan Debert in the Gifted Arts & Tech Magnet was recognized by the Los Angeles County Office of Education for having the 'Best Overall Middle School' digital project.  He is a winner amongst all of the middle school film and animation projects in Los Angeles County, not just LAUSD!  His 3D Animation project, 'The House at the End of the Road', is a frightfully, macabre tale of a couple trapped in a mysterious house.  Milan worked on his project for approx.10 months and was involved with every aspect of the creative process; from developing the story, to designing the characters and animating the cartoon in 3D.   The 3D Animation classes have been winning the Digital Voice Awards for the past 10 years, and have won Best Overall for the 2nd time in that decade!  You can watch the live webcast of the Digital Voice Awards on Thursday, May 19 from 3:15 to 4:30pm at the following link below.
K. Palayan
http://webcasts.lacoe.edu Source: Los Angeles County Office of Education