January can be a difficult month. Your child must get back to work after a break, but without the excitement of the beginning of the school year. Getting back to homework, after not having opened a book for days, is often most difficult of all.

You can help your child in several ways at this time.

If your child needs to get back to basics:
  • Reestablish the time and place he had chosen to do homework.
  • Restock supplies such as pencils, pens and paper.
  • Check his homework planner so you know his assignments. Look over assignments when he finishes them.
  • Reestablish the place where he will put completed homework to make sure it gets back to school.
If your child can’t finish his work:
  • Establish a rule of no social time (including TV, computer or the phone) until homework is finished. Stick to it.
  • Comment positively on the time he is able to stay on task.
  • Help your child set a schedule. For example: Complete math, 10 – minute break, complete social studies, 10-minute break. Breaking things down may help him feel less overwhelmed.
If your child always “finishes” homework, but does not do a thorough job:
  • Emphasize doing his best, not just getting it “done.”
  • Check over homework each night.
  • Ask him to explain the homework to you, so you can see if he truly did what he was assigned to do.

http://www.addwarehouse.com Source: Sydney S. Zentell and Sam Goldstein, "Seven Steps to Homework Success: A Family Guide for Solving Common Homework Problems", ISBN: 1-886941-22-X (Specialty Press, Inc.)