King Family I am proud to announce that 2 Animated projects and a film project have been selected for the Los Angeles County Office of Education's 'Digital Voice Awards'. 'The Awesometastic Adventure' by Lea Frissen and Dianne Jamandron and 'The Land of Peace and Chaos' by Michelle Kim were two cartoons that were selected. The film project by the Extra-Terrestrilaites Club, 'King the Invasion II' was also selected. This is exciting as it is the 5th year in a row that King animation students are being recognized for their work. There will be a live-streaming, online awards ceremony on Thursday, May 19 from 3-5 pm. You are welcome to join me and the students in room 206 to watch the live event. The winning projects will be playing throughout the day in room 206 until May 19, you are welcome to stop by to see the projects. Thanks again for your time.