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Flex Farm Hydroponic Planting at King!

Food Services Division is happy to partner with Thomas Starr King’s Environmental Science Magnet to introduce the first-ever hydroponic, vertical growing system in LAUSD.  With the FlexFarm, students will learn how hydroponics use less water and less land to grow the freshest produce that travels zero miles to get from FlexFarm to plate. Students will engage and explore in experiences related to growing fresh food in a more environmentally sound manner and nourishing communities in ways that are positive and impactful.

Students have already harvested romaine and basil from the Flex Farm and are about to embark on their third hydroponic planting that will be ready for harvesting before winter break.   Special thanks to Jasson Soto Padilla and Summer BTB students, Ms. Mitsuse and her class, and Ms. Jones and her class.