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It’s College Awareness Month! We will have several student contests during the month of October to raise awareness about college. The contest prompt is: “College Starts at King! What does this mean to you? Why would the school choose this as a slogan?” In other words, what do students need to do NOW to start preparing for college? Ideas may include: A-G subject requirements, participation in clubs and activities to explore interests and talents, and/or development of organizational skills and study habits. First, second, and third place students in each category will get to order their very own college t-shirt. First place winners will be treated to a special catered luncheon for themselves and a friend. All entries are due October 20th! For more details, ask one of your child’s teachers or get a yellow flyer from the main office. Be creative, be informative, and have fun!


The California English Language Development Test (CELDT) helps teachers and school administrators to identify pupils who are Limited English Proficient (LEP), to determine the level of English language proficiency of pupils who are English Learners (EL), and to assess the progress of LEP pupils in acquiring the skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing in English. Initial Identification testing is administered to students whose primary language is other than English and who have not previously been assessed for English proficiency. Annual Assessment testing is for monitoring annual progress in acquiring English proficiency and to help in reclassifying English Learners. At Thomas Starr King Middle School close to 300 students will be tested from October 4 to October 22, 2010. Parents or guardians interested in learning more about the CELDT should contact Conrad Lovo, English Learner Coordinator, at (323) 644-6743 or visit .


Being a student at King Middle School means having the opportunity to become involved in a wide variety of fun and interesting clubs. Everyone is welcome to attend any of the clubs. Just show up, or talk to the teacher who facilitates the club.

Chess Club: Thursdays in the Library with Ms. Baranich
Spelling Club: See Mr. Hanson in the library
College and Career Club: Tuesdays in Room 324 with Ms. Weir
Writing Club and Chess Club: See Mr. Abee in Room 209
Algebra Club: Room 211 on Thursdays with Ms. Moayeri
Ceramics Club: Wednesdays and Thursdays with Ms. Roth in Room 316
GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) – Room 211A on Thursday. Students work to raise awareness of and eliminate bullying, discrimination and homophobia with Mr. Hernandez and Ms. Weir
Mr. Palayan’s Clubs in room 206
Extra-Terrestrialites: Tuesdays
Eco-Centrics and Simpsons Club: Wednesdays
Specter Seekers: Thursdays
Techno Gamers: Fridays